Monday, 9 August 2010


It has been a hectic few days for me and Phil. We left Arusha on
Saturday and headed to Lushoto in the mountains. We arrived after a
tight but rewarding bus journey in the cool mountain town. On Sunday I
went to church then Phil and I walked up to Irente point to watch the
sunset over the plains of North Eastern Tanzania. The walk was short
but with great scenery and we stopped for Lunch at the Irente Farm
Shop. We had Rye Bread, Quark with herbs and various other salad and
cheese snacks. There was also some homemade jam.

This morning we got up and left Lushoto to come to Tanga. We arrived
at Inn by the Sea and it turns out it really is by the sea. There are
steps down to swim and a large veranda looking out to sea. :-) Phil
and I have had a swim and are now exploring the town!


1 comment:

  1. glad everything going well.... enjoyed reading the blog....
