Sunday, 22 August 2010


So, we did it!
It is fair to say that Lisa was less than happy that I phoned up and booked her in to do a 44m Bungee Jump over the Nile river. In fact, she was pretty worried and angry with me. Never in her life had she planned to do a bungee jump, and then some bearded greek goes and books her in for it! Still, I was mainly doing this to have someone else up there with me to hide my own absolute fear.

For those of you who have bungeed before, you will know that initial feeling of free falling is possibly the most terrifying experience possible. The moment you jump you look down to see that you are simply falling, its not until the rope kicks in that you relax and enjoy the buzz, not for me at least. Lisa went first, and I was possibly more scared for her, after all the guilt trips and the "my mum's going to kill you if something happens" I was very very relieved to see her safely into the boat below. Seemingly having enjoyed the experience due to her wooping as she went (though I have to say, and you'll understand why I say this later, they had to count her down twice).

OK, its official, I screamed like a girl...i know it, the chap who sent me off knows it (his exact words..."you fucked up the scream mate") and Lisa bloody well knows it and won't let me forget it! I jumped first time though! And the less said about the scream the better, I just figured I'd tell the world before she did.

After the bungee and a brief visit to paddle in the source of the Nile (slightly unimpressive to say the least, but a sort of "must do" thing I suppose). We went off for a horseride. The views over the Nile rapids were spectacular. The experience of riding a horse around the area is fantastic as its a unique way of seeing the world. Both of us would have liked a quicker pace, but our fellow riders ( a group of dutch ladies and a man ) were less happy with the bumping around that accompanies anything faster than a trot. Still, it was a really pleasant way of spending the afternoon, and our legs are quite a bit more stretched because of it!

Today we took bus down to Kabale, from which we will head to Kisoro where I will be doing my gorilla tracking. Fortunately, the gorillas are currently in Uganda, please keep your fingers crossed that they stay there and dont think it would be fun to potter off to the Congo or Rwanda for a day to two...that would be rather annoying.

All safe and sound anyway. The place we are staying at tonight is really nice and friendly, as is usually the case with this country.

Best Wishes


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