Tuesday, 27 July 2010


And so it is finished.

25 of 26 made it to the top from Team B. 21 of 27 did the same for Team A,

I have played in many sports teams in my time...never have I felt the camaraderie and team spirit that I felt on that climb. It was humbling as well as inspiring.

Special Mentions:
Leo "the daddy" Hacking - Looked after everyone on the mountain. Took much of the strain off me and for that I am truly grateful. He was always checking how everyone was and if they were hydrated, it was brilliant and selfless. Thank you.

Tash "the hero" Edwards - Utterly inspiring. Early on summit night she was struggling to stay awake, falling asleep on her poles. None of us truly thought she could make it, but she battled on, never ever gave up. The porters helped her all the way and her fight to carry on inspired all of us to keep putting in the effort...well done Tash and thank you.

:Lauren "the chunderer" Lynn - Before we even started summit night, Lauren was throwing up like a beauty.  She fought on quietly, not complaining and reached the summit, a proud moment and again, a true inspiration.

Ben "both ends" Peart - A similar story to Lauren, never ever gave up, never ever complained. We all had his back and he knew it.

Charlotte "the fighter" Sellars - Had to turn back, but gave everything she had before she was forced to. All our love and respect goes to Charlotte who's valiant effort helped us all to drive on. Well Done Charlotte

Martin and Phil: "EVERYWHERE WE GOOOOO....." need I say more? Kept us all singing no matter how much precious breath it wasted! Spirits never dropped.

My humble thanks to every single member of Team B who kept me going through the hardest night of my life. It truly took every ounce of  energy to get to that summit and I would like a personal thank you to Lisa "the feet" Connolley - who's footsteps I followed up every step of that summit climb! I needed that so badly!

The effort was huge, but the finish was amazing. A truly magical five days, it all feels a bit like a dream now. The pain in your lungs, the cold in your extremities. The constant call from your mind to turn back. This was the challenge of a lifetime and I could not be more proud of the 25 others I call brothers and sisters now!

Thank you to all our families back at home who's faith as well as derision inspired us throughout. I hope you are all well.

Best Wishes


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