Monday, 19 July 2010

The Journey Begins

Swansea! Well, we all have to start somewhere don't we. But with great sadness I have said goodbye to my family and dogs, ready for two months away from them all. Predictably, they are far more worried about me than I am, I know that drama and trouble seem to follow me, I'm comfortable with that and ready for it! The parents however are neither comfortable nor ready.

Hopefully they, and all the other friends and family keeping up to date on this blog will be comforted by the stories we tell here. We will keep you fully posted on all we do as we take on this huge adventure.

We will also write up about why we are doing, what the money we have raised will go towards. This trip isn't simply about us, it is bigger than that. And as building work begins on the hospital wing in Malawi that the Ameca Trust is building, there is no clearer evidence that the 53 students climbing this mountain are truly impacting the lives of many people for the better. I hope that our actions in Tanzania continue to be inspired by a constant sense of humility and service. As we climb the mountain I hope that we are driven on not by some sense of personal gratification, but by a heartfelt knowledge that we are not climbing for ourselves, but for the many many people who's lives will be saved and enriched by what this team is attempting.

Train departing Swansea now. Excitement is building.

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